News — ltc

What are consensus algorithms in mining?

Posted by Taras Lanchev on

Proof-of-Choose-Your-Name --- A lot of people who are just getting started with cryptocurrencies normally don't know much about consensus algorithms and what they are. However, they play a crucial part in making sure the blockchain remains a decentralised and fair system. What are consensus algorithms? In simple terms, consensus algorithms are processes which are used to achieve agreement on a value of data among distributed systems, such as the distributed ledger technology. In the crypto world, consensus algorithms do two very important things:  They ensure that the next block in a blockchain is the one and only true version of the block (prevent double spending); They keep the system from...

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2018 Crypto Antirecords. Which cryptocurrencies fell most?

Posted by Taras Lanchev on

The peak of the cryptocurrency market capitalisation happened on the 7th of January. Back then the market cap was $832 billion. It is currently $262 billion. The fall is quite significant, but some currencies fell more than the others. Cryptocurrency antirecords 2018. This rating was originally posted by News.bitcoin. The authors chose 10 coins which fell most significant in comparison to others. Bitcoin Diamond. At some point, people were giving an incredible $105 for 1 BCD coin, but today the price is $2.19. This is a 98% fall. Bitcoin Gold. Straight after the fork, the price of this crypto was $505. Later, the price fell to...

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Does anyone still care about Bitcoin?

Posted by Taras Lanchev on

There are 4 things Google doesn't allow to advertise on their platform: Counterfeit goods. Dangerous products or services, like recreational drugs, weapons, ammunition, explosives and fireworks, and tobacco products. Anything that enables dishonest behavior, such as hacking software, services to artificially inflate web or ad traffic, fake documents or academic cheating. Inappropriate content, like hate speech or ads that use profane language (Source:   But as of June this year, they will add one more - crypto.   The ban is actually quite broad: “Cryptocurrencies and related content (including but not limited to initial coin offerings, cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency...

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Top 5 places for Litecoin news

Posted by Taras Lanchev on

Litecoin is a faster, has a more decentralised proof-of-work algorithm and is also has a dedicated team who are working together to make it even better. The changes that the teams are making to the coin and the network come at a lightning fast pace and that's why we've compiled a list of the top 5 places for Litecoin news to keep you in the loop.

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